Crawl Space is the museum's toddler zone. Kick off your shoes and let your toddlers crawl, rock and roll in this super clean, super padded area with soft blocks and tunnels for crawlers and early walkers.
Added by Upcoming Robot on September 7, 2010
Follow the above link to be entered in a drawing sponsored by "The Isthmus" Daily Page website. All that's required of you is a valid email address and you're set!
Present one of these UV coated 4x6 fliers (pictured above) day of show and receive a discount, they can be found all over Madison at coffee shops and liquor stores as well as the venue it self.
To have one of these fliers sent to you just email your mailing address to
Great Midwestern Bluegrass Bash does not share your personal information
Last year was amazing . . . super excited to see the Bash has been moved to The Majestic!