Happy Hour is happening again in Union County but this time we are hitting up Cervantes of Spain in downtown Cranford! Join the members of NJYP as we take over the bar at this adorable eatery. Expect drink specials, young professionals, and a Happy Hour that lasts until at least 8pm.
Who should attend:
This is a MEMBERS ONLY event. Please pay your dues before you attend. 1 item min. per person (food or drink).
What to expect:
Our Happy Hours are very casual. There are no sign-in tables, no name tags, and no ice breakers. Expect people to walk up to you to introduce themselves and feel free to walk up to others who you do not know. Newbies are at EVERY NJYP event so if this is your first, you won't be alone.
Finding the Group:
We are going to take over the small bar. If you see someone there 21 to 39 years old, they are with NJYP so say hi!
Added by its_supersara on August 5, 2011