Craig Larman has 20 years experience in helping organisations adopt OO and agile principles, he has lead the largest multi-shore agile project ever completed, and is regarded as the World’s leading expert on agile adoption.
This popular, high-impact, and hands-on course on mastering advanced object-oriented design (OOD) and design patterns is aimed at architects and developers of OO systems, and is based on acclaimed industry leader Craig Larman’s extensive experience coaching and applying OOD since the mid 1980s.
Object-oriented (OO) design patterns are a critical and fundamental skill of successful OO developers to support design agility. Most modern OO systems are designed with patterns, and mastery of design patterns is considered a basic criterion of mature developers—and an absolute necessity for architects.
You will leave this workshop with deeper skill to apply patterns and create quality object-oriented designs that have agility – that support reduced modification costs and increased comprehensibility, and hence support business agility.
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Added by SkillsMatter on August 15, 2007