1715 5th St. NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102

Did you know that The Cradle Project is still looking for cradles? It's true! If you want to participate, but feel overwhelmed by the process, join other creatives this weekend for a Cradle Making Marathon! You need not be an artist to participate, though artists are strongly encouraged to come.

What to bring? Any found, scrap, recycled materials. (Tools to assemble materials are helpful too!) Examples:
- 2x4s from an old shed, old curtains you just replaced, rusting bucket from the back yard, old World Atlas, car fender, chicken wire, milk crates, stones, branches, twigs, leaves, empty soda bottles, broken ceramic mugplastic bags, anything else you can think of!

We will be working OUTside, so bring plenty of water, snacks, and sunscreen as well.
Saturday and Sunday April 12th and 13th ,11 am - 4 pm.

Official Website: http://thecradleproject.org

Added by TheCradleProject on April 11, 2008

Interested 1