A free demonstration of Continuous-Chest-Compression CPR with hands-on training on life-like mannequins. Experienced and specially trained medical students will be available to walk you through the necessary steps and answer your questions. For more information call: 626-1232 or 626-3766
To find DuVal Auditorium, go to the UMC main lobby and look for the sign, “Be a Lifesaver.”
About Continuous-Chest-Compression CPR:
Chest-Compression-Only CPR has been shown to be an easier and more efficient way to help a victim of cardiac arrest. Developed right here in Tucson at the Sarver Heart Center, the technique has been endorsed by the American Heart Association. Chest-Compression-Only CPR is easy to learn, easy to remember and easy to perform. There is no need for mouth-to-mouth breathing.
Added by proventures on March 30, 2009