2370 Ebenezer Rd SE,
Conyers, Georgia 30094

Welcome to Ostara 2009

Hosted by Covenant of WISE, at the WISE Covenstead,

March 20-21

to Spring! Let us rejoice that the flowers have returned. Busy birds
are singing as they prepare their nests, the sun is bright, there is
excitement in the air for all things new. There are new baby animals,
new gardens planted, new growth everywhere.

is the time to nurture what we want to grow this year. Let us build a
strong community that is supportive and has resources and services for
its members. Together, we set the foundation, the roots of what will

Registration Fee:

$10 Per Adult
$5 for Children 5 and up
$10 Per Person Camping (kids free to camp)
We have 20 camping spaces available for rent
We are also offering 6 work scholarships. These are good for the whole weekend plus camping.
4pm Welcoming the Goddess' Return - Opening Ritual
5pm Wicca 101 - Ostara w/Bella
6pm Stone Soup Potluck
7pm Circle Dancing w/Stacia
8pm-11pm Drum Circle
12am Storytelling and Music (A)*
12pm Egg Dying
1pm Plant walk w/Dusty
2pm Nurturing Sensuality w/Inara (A)*
3pm Ritual Prep
4pm Casting and Calling w/Daniel (C)
5pm Ritual
6pm Dinner
8pm-11pm Drum Circle
11am Farewells
12pm All campers out by Noon

activities marked with '(A)' are geared toward Adults. All events
marked with '(C)' are for Circle Clergy. To find out the exact content
and reason for the (A) rating, please contact the class presenter
beforehand. Thanks ;)
Welcoming the Goddess' Return - Opening Ritual
Join the
WISE Priesthood as they prepare the land for the return of the Holy
Daughter. Help set the wards and bless the intent for this weekend of
worship and magic.
Wicca 101 - Ostara: 5pm Friday - Bella
learn the 123's of Wicca. This season we will be focusing on the
budding of spring, and the symbolism contained within. Why is it called
Easter? Why Ostara? Bring the Kids, and come learn the mysteries of
Stone Soup Potluck: 6pm Friday - Drum Circle
Stone Soup! The most delicious soup in the whole world!!!!!! Come bring
an ingredient to add to the pot; what ever you like in soup! We will
have a Vegan pot, and we will have an Omnivore pot. We will be adding
the ingredients to the soup whilst Stacia's dance class raises energy
around the pots. This is going to be a very magical and delicious
dinner. So bring your ingredients in good will and good humor, and
lets get a meal made of love in our bellies before we dance and sing
through the night!
Circle Dancing: 7pm Friday - Stacia
The steps are simple, the shapes you know, circles and lines. Have fun putting them together. These are folk steps that span cultures. I bet you know more than you realize. Lets laugh and have fun as we move together to basic drum rhythms. Weve been invited to add our love and special spice to the soup. Everyone welcome.
Plant Walk: 1pm Saturday - Dusty
Come take the first, spring, walk around the property. Last year we found digitalis, snakeroot,
sarsaparilla, and more! This year we will be focused on edibles. Things
are getting crazy out there; and won't it be nice to know what to eat
outside? Bring your field guides and your eagerness to learn!
Nurturing Sensuality: 2pm Saturday - Inara & Aislinn
During this time of new life and fecundity, it's appropriate to explore
the erotic energy that mothers and fathers carry. This workshop, open
to men and women, to those with children or not, will be an opportunity
for participants to shift their thinking about women who are both
sexual creatures and physical mothers; to learn to appreciate a
mother's mature curviness as sexy; to experience the unique erotic
quality of "The Nurturer;" and to experiment with the unconditional
love, acceptance, safety, and nurturing qualities of erotic love and
Main Ritual: 5pm Saturday - Covenant of WISE, Church of Wicca, ATC, Inc.
us back across the veil, and into a renewed world. A world where you
have the chance to grow into whatever your heart may desire! Persephone
reunites with her mother Demeter at this time, ushering forth rebirth,
and the return of a fertile Earth. Come with us on this journey back
into the comforts, and abundance of Spring!
Farewells: 11am Sunday - Daniel and Bella
we leave this place between the worlds to walk once more upon the
ordinary ground, remember: What we have done here is ever a part of us.
We are Power. We are Change. Our Circle is open, but never broken.
Merry Meet! Merry Part! And Merry Meet Again! May the Craft preserve
the Gods, as the Gods preserve the Craft!

The Details


We encourage you to
consider that we each have a responsibility to contribute, so our
wonderful community continues to grow, share and prosper. We are
always happy to accept cash donations, rather than have you go shop.
We are grateful when you share your surpluses, talents, and extras. It
takes all of us working together to make common resources for our
magical community. Donations appropriate for this time of year also
include seeds, edible and magical plants, essential oils, Bach flower

Camping/Arrival Times

may arrive on the grounds starting at 12 noon on Friday. Showers will
not be available due to overstress on the plumbing system. Upon
arrival, please check in with Dusty for designated camping spaces.


overflow parking is necessary, please park in the back parking lot of
the church next door. We have permission to park there. Please do not park on the gravel road next the Covenstead.

Drumming & Noise
We will be inside city limits. Drumming will have to stop at 11pm. We will be drumming and dancing both nights, followed by an adult flavored Bardic Circle.

Looking forward to a great Sabbat. See you there.

Due to the economic crunch, and in an effort to encourage more local service, and less traveling, GPG, WSTS and WISE is hosting their events at the WISE Covenstead. It's just perfect for everything we want to do. May the Goddess bless your family with the resources to meet your needs during these challenging times.

Organized by Covenant of WISE, Church of Wicca - ATC, Inc.

It has been close to a decade that we have had the priviledge of serving the Goddess. May she continue to allow us to do
Her work.

church was founded in 1999 by Rev. Belladonna Laveau, who had been
called into service to teach and provide a public place for Wiccans to
practice their faith. Offering her own famiy home as a temple of
Covenant of WISE is an affiliate of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church. Our Mother Church has been in existence for over
25 years, and sponsors many world-wide programs for Wiccans to enjoy.
many incarnations, we have grown both outwardly and introspectively. In
additions to the public rituals, healings, counselings and services we
have always offered, we now enjoy formal college accredited training
opportunities from a host of qualified instructors for our clergy to be
properly prepared for their ministry. Our children benefit from the
highly successful SpiralScouts program. And we now have a public store
front from which Bella can meet with and serve the community.
We invite you to become a part of the church today and a piece of its history tomorrow.

Ticket Info:  
  • Adult, $10.00
  • Adult + camping, $20.00
  • Adult - Snail mail Registration fee, Free
  • Child 5+, $5.00
  • Work Scholarships, Free
  • Ostara donation to the Roofing Fund, Free
  • 30 min. Tarot Reading, Healing or Counseling Session with Bella, $20.00
  • 30 min Reiki Healing with Daniel, $20.00
  • Karuna Session with Inara, @ The Temple of the Red Lotus (20 min), $25.00
  • 1st Degree Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Attunements w/Daniel, $150.00

Official Website: http://ostara-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 20, 2009

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