Extreme Arts & Sciences is a consulting company that seeks to make real change in the work lives of individuals. Carmen Voilleque, senior consultant at EASCI, proudly introduces a beta test of Courage Power Passion, at the Conference Center of our downtown office.
Courage Power Passion is a groundbreaking curriculum designed to get to the heart of what goes on in the workplace - why do we shy away from the important stuff? Why do we allow our work culture to impact our own sense of right ant wrong? Once in positions of power, what responsibilities are we shirking while we "put out fires?"
This beta test promises to motivate participants to reach higher in their jobs, in their personal lives, and everywhere in between. Rigorous honesty and high energy conversations are the norm - we want to exceed that and create an environment where real change happens for all involved.
For registration information, contact J-P Voilleque, jpv at easci dot com. Training and organizational development professionals are encouraged to inquire about attending this event for free. We value feedback from everyone, but those in the business of corporate training have a unique perspective that we would like to encourage. In addition, students at the undergraduate or graduate levels are welcome at a substantial discount. The day includes lunch and eight hours with an incredibly dynamic and committed teacher.
Official Website: http://www.easci.com/
Added by jpv on August 1, 2008