Sunday, October 2, 1:15 p.m.
Support Women?s Choices!
Support Women?s Lives!
Every fall, Massachusetts Citizens for Life sponsors an anti-choice rally in downtown Boston. Join the Greater Boston Chapter of NOW as we STAND UP FOR WOMEN'S LIVES and show our support for women's autonomy in all of their decision-making. As reproductive rights continue to be eroded in the United States, it is crucial that a PRO-CHOICE, PRO-WOMAN VOICE be heard.
Meet at 1:15pm @ the corner of Beacon and Charles St., in front of the Starbucks, between the Boston Common and the Public Garden in downtown Boston.
Bring your friends, a sign, and your voice.
For more information, call 617-254-9130 or e-mail
Added by BostonNOW on September 29, 2005