RSVPS on this website will not count.Please RSVP to to request invite.Countdown for Barack Obama....America's next President,"Autumn, a season to seize the opportunity for change". On the evening of October 17, 2008, we will be coming together at a political awareness evening to reach out to Latin American and Middle Eastern American Communities as well as Young Americans and Senator Hillary Clinton supporters for their votes for Senator Barack Obama in November. As we approach the final leg of the 2008 election it has become clear that it is now essential to shift the focus towards encouraging voters of all diverse communities to participate on Election Day and vote for Barack Obama! It will be a night of diversity, designed to bring together highly influential individuals of our great nation from all backgrounds in support of a common goal. Please join Keynote Speaker: Steve Westly (California Co-Chair of Obama for America, Special guest speakers:Alan Cumming, Deidre Hall and Esai Morales. Specials guests: Vanessa Williams, Rickie Lake, Donna Mills, Jalen Rose (NBA),David Zayas ...Performance by Shani Rigsbee ( and more to follow..
Official Website:
Added by MyBO on September 25, 2008