923 David Low Way
Marcoola, Queensland 4564

The first-ever Cougar Resort Weekend features four days and three nights of non-stop fun, 3-6 June, 2010. Join adult Cougars and Cubs of all ages from all over Australia!

LOCATION: Wyndham Vacation Resorts SurfAir Marcoola Beach, 923 David Low Way, Marcoola QLD 4564, on Australia's glorious Sunshine Coast. One hour drive north of Brisbane and only five minutes drive from the Sunshine Coast Airport.

GRAND FINALE of the Cougar Weekend is The Cougar Ball, Saturday, 5 June, 8pm-1am. Miss Cougar Australia will be selected by the Cubs, who each have one vote. Every Cougar at the Ball is eligible to win, provided she is legally single and at least 35 years of age.

COST: $20 for Cubs and $10 for Cougars at the door for the Cougar Ball only. OVERNIGHT ROOMS AVAILABLE for as low as $105 per night (maximum occupancy 2 people). Does not include admission to The Ball. To book your room, call 07 5412 0100.

CO-SPONSORED by The Society of Single Professionals, the worlds largest non-profit singles organization, 29PlusLifestyles, and many others.

MORE INFO about the weekend will be available soon at http://www.cougarevents.com/Australia.

TRAVEL with http://www.singlestravelcompany.com

LISTEN FREE TO EXPERTS ON DATING at http://www.singlespodcastingnetwork.com

Official Website: http://www.thepartyhotline.com

Added by richpartyhotline on March 1, 2010