Cottage Living magazine opens its Idea Home, a two-story Mission Revival cottage in the heart of Los Angeles, to the public for tours through August 24th. The newly-built 3,500 square foot home features classic Spanish influences from a clay tile roof to scalloped beams at the upstairs balcony and is designed to blend seamlessly into the neighborhood.
The Idea Home is located on 6376 Lindenhurst Ave, Los Angeles, 90048. It is open to the public from Thursday-Sunday only. The house is closed Monday-Wednesday. Hours are Thursday-Saturday 11 a.m.-5 p.m. and Sunday 1-5 p.m.
One of the signature elements of the home is its daring use of color. Interior designer Jackie Terrell chose vibrant colors for many of the rooms. For example, she used orange tile in one bathroom accented with mustard paint, charcoal floor, magenta window shades and green on green artwork. The Idea Home also presents many practical ideas that can be easily applied to any living space.
Non-profit Partner: Tickets are $15 at the door and proceeds will go to support P.S. ARTS, a non-profit organization dedicated to restoring arts education in public schools by providing comprehensive, skills based, sequential classes in dance, music, theater and visual arts. P.S. ARTS, which was originally founded as an outreach project of the Crossroads Community Foundation, serves thousands of children in some of the most underserved neighborhoods in CA.
Architect: Harrison Design Associates. Interior designer: Jackie Terrell Design. Builder: R.J. Spann. Landscape architect: Lisa Moseley Garden Design.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on July 4, 2008