Kelley Engineering Center
Corvallis, Oregon 97331

This month we have a special guest, Geoff Dalgas of, giving us a presentation on ASP.NET MVC! was built from the ground up on ASP.NET MVC and is currently used by thousands of developers from around the world!

Geoff will be showing how uses ASP.NET MVC, as well as how to create a brand new simple Q/A site using MVC. Have questions about ASP.NET MVC? Want to get started using ASP.NET MVC? Come to the January Covallis .NET Users Group Meeting!

Thanks to our sponsor: Business Solutions Group, OSU (


Thursday, January 22th, 2009 @ 6:00 PM

Location: OSU - Kelly Engineering Center, Room 1003

RSVP here!

(Or you can email: (helpful for food ordering))


6:00 - 6:30: Networking Opportunities & Dinner

6:30 - 7:30: "ASP.NET MVC", Geoff Dalgas,

7:30 - 7:45: Q&A / Discussion

7:45 - 8:00: Giveaways: Books and cool stuff!

Please forward this to any other .NET professionals that may be

Added by JasPro on January 5, 2009