155 Powderhouse Blvd
Somerville, Massachusetts

“This is what printing presses do they corrupt susceptible hearts”

The above quotation by Filippo De Strata expressed his fear that the
printing press as a new technology would negatively affect the culture at
large. We currently find ourselves at the opposite end of that trajectory
as newspapers and magazines are shuttered around the country and the future
of book publishing remains in flux.
Printing for rudimentary use has become increasingly archaic.

This assembled group of artists has expanded the territory by taking
printing processes in myriad directions as a means to an end in their work.

ARTISTS: Dagan Barrett, David Curcio, Mike Dacey, Yassy Goldie, Fionn
McCabe, Asuka Ohsawa, Rhonda Ratray, Mary Tascano. Curated by Beth Driscoll.

Added by artgirl200 on September 29, 2010