Do You Want To Improve Your Sales Skills?
Whether you are new to sales or a sales veteran, on the afternoon of Wednesday April 22nd, the Corporate Sales Challenge will bring out your very best in a fun, enlightening, and non-threatening manner, while you:
Learn new skills,
Network with like minded individuals,
Are challenged by 10 of North America's best selling experts,
Enjoy a post-challenge prime rib dinner,
Compete for the distinction as one of the best sales people in Alberta, and
Help those affected by Juvenille Diabetes have hope for a brighter future*
*All proceeds from this event will be donated to Juvenille Diabetes Research Foundation.
What is the Corporate Sales Challenge?
Participants are split into teams of 10 and provided a product or service to represent throughout the afternoon. Each team is then challenged by the 10 sales experts - one every 20 minutes and rated on how well their team does in each of the challenges given.
At the end of the day, the team with the highest overall rating is declared the winner, get their names on the cup, and earn the distinction as the best sales people in Alberta.Think sales training, meets speed dating, during a half-day sales competition.
Test and improve your sales skills
Join us as trainers come from as far away as California, Toronto, and Atlanta to teach 100 sales professionals and entrepreneurs unique perspectives on:
Cold Calling
Goal Setting
Territory Planning
Personality Selling
Objection Handling
Customer Management
2009 Trainers
The trainers selected to challenge this year participants are:
Scott Sorrell Newport Beach, CA
Mix raw energy and humor, then combine it with incredible business savvy and you get Scott Sorrell. As CEO of Sales Adrenaline, Scott focuses on teaching How to Charge Higher Prices & Get Your Customers to Thank You For It. Scott is currently co-authoring the next bestseller in the world-famous Guerrilla Marketing series with Jay Conrad Levinson.
He is privileged to speak regularly before companies such as Cisco Systems, Time Warner, BMW, and Century 21, Wells Fargo, 3M Corporation and New York Life.
Rod McKinnis Phoenix, Arizona
As a Global Fortune 500 Executive, Rod grew a $40B business unit 50% in just 18 months.Rod's game changing book Sales is Simple - From Luck to Leverage highlights fresh, cutting edge concepts that yields sustainable High Performance Sales Results. Rod has a powerful gift for teaching advanced sales techniques, while discarding unnecessary complication. He shows how great sales impressions are forged in just 15 seconds. McKinnis provides the tools to establish an immediate rapport in sales encounters and gain the leverage to make closing the deal look easy.
Andrew Windham - Marietta, GeorgiaAndrew is a frequent guest expert on traditional and Internet radio shows on issues related to insurance coverage and wealth management, and he is currently working on his own Internet radio program for launch in early 2009. He is a highly sought-after consultant and national speaker for his innovative wealth team approach, and he has presented alongside such noted entrepreneurs as John Assaraf, Jim Bunch, Jack Canfield and Murray Smith, among others.
Brenda Mahoney - Calgary, AlbertaBrenda is a senior marketing strategist with Strategies for Success. She specializes in building Duct Tape Marketing systems for small businesses with only limited marketing budgets. She has worked with businesses in many different industries helping them generate more qualified leads using creative and effective approaches, and speaks regularly on Referral Marketing and Marketing Systems for Small Businesses
Connie Kadansky - Phoenix, ArizonaConnie Kadansky is the President of Exceptional Sales Performance - an international consulting and performance improvement practice. She is a recognized expert in identifying and eliminating Sales Call Reluctance. She teaches practical ways to overcome the fear of prospecting and also ways to create and capitalize on golden opportunities. Connie has a proven track record in diverse industries, i.e., financial services, insurance, real estate, print media, software, public broadcasting and executive search.
Don Cooper Denver, ColoradoDon Cooper is an internationally-acclaimed sales expert who helps salespeople and professionals dramatically increase their sales. He conducts seminars, trains sales and customer service teams and speaks at annual meetings, conferences and conventions. His clients include companies such as Spectra Logic, Yamaha Canada, LINE-X, Hot Spring Spas, Cobalt Boats and Nissan Canada. A frequent guest on television and radio, Don has written regular columns for five different business publications, has co-authored three books and is currently working on two more.
Don Linder - Vancouver, B.C.
Don is a Managing Partner with Major Client Selling. With decades of experience in creating and leading high performance teams, Don specializes in helpng companies raise their success rate in complex sales environments. He works primarily with software, high technology and industrial products companies that sell to new large customers. Major Client Sellings successes include raising the new customer win rate by 30% for a multi-national technology company, increasing new license sales by 35% for a software developer and revenue increasing over 40% for a industrial distributor without increasing sales staff.
Jonathan Weaver Markham, Ontario
Jonathan is the President of Peak Performers, and is a certified Sales Professional with a proven method of growing sales results. His sales, sales management and sales consulting career spans more than 20 years. Jonathan is the author of "The Sales Game Has Changed" and FORE SCORE & 7 Questions - a recipe to achieve outrageous goals in your personal and professional life.
Mark Christie Toronto OntarioMark Christie is the President and co-owner of SalesForce Training & Consulting. His primary area of focus with all SalesForce clients is in ensuring that they realize their full investment in sales training by encouraging real behavioural change among the participants. He recognized, through years of attending sales courses, that all too often, while much of the content was valuable and/or interesting, precious little time and effort was spent on helping the sales people to transfer the newly learned behaviours into the field. To that end, Mark brings a wide body of knowledge in the field of Transfer of Training methodologies.
Mike Brown Vancouver, BC
Mike Brown is the Canadian Practice Leader with IMPAX Corporation. He is a recognized authority in the areas of selling, strategic account management, sales management and leadership and sales consulting. His background consists of over 25 years of direct sales, sales leadership and sales consulting experience. Mike has taught and consulted with organizations of every size from both the public and private sector and has facilitated sales and management training workshops for a wide variety of clients.
Are You Up For The Challenge?
For more information, to put together your own team, or to be a sponsor, contact Craig Elias by phone (403.874.2998) or using the contact form found at
http://www.CorporateSalesChallenge.com/ContactOrganized by Craig EliasCraig is a co-founder of the Corporate Sales Challenge, the creator of Trigger Event Selling and the Chief Catalyst at SHiFT Selling, Inc.
You can reach Craig Elias by phone (+1.403.874.2998), Skype (Craig.Elias) or completing the contact form found at www.CorporateSalesChallenge.com/Contact
Ticket Info: - Early Bird Registration, C$87.00
- Team of 10, C$80.00
- Gold/Team Sponsorship Tickets, C$397.50
- Platinum/Title Sponsor Tickets, C$687.50
Official Website: http://saleschallenge-upcoming.eventbrite.com