To Whom It May Concern,
My name is Janett Vargas, and I am a cadet in the Corona High School Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps Program (NJROTC). We will be hosting our 2nd Annual Classic Car Show on Saturday April 25th 2009. The event is free to spectators which will be held in our student parking lot. We will have a Pancake breakfast starting at 8 am. Joining us will be D.J. Gary and his rocking Oldies, many vendors will be there and concessions with BBQ & Burgers will be there for purchase as well. The following awards will be awarded at the car show: (watch out it gets long )Best Chevy, Best Modified, Best Under Construction, Best Pre 1950's, Best 1970-1980, Best 2000 and newer, Best Import, Best Model 'T' Ford, Best Ford, Best Original (stock), Best Motorcycle, Best 1950-1960, Best 1980-1990, Traveled Furthest, Best Chrome, Best Woodie, Best Dodge, Best Paint, Best Truck, Best 1960-1970, Best 1990-2000, Best Concept, Oldest Classic and Best Roadster. It would be a blessing if oyu would help us get the word out to anyone who would be interested in registering their automobile, Registration fee (before March 1, 2009) is $25.00 plus a free T- Shirt, and (after March 1st and the day of the event) it will be $30.00.If anyone would also be interested in sponsoring our event we have various levels of sponsorships. We would be Eternally grateful if you would be able to advertise our event. All the money that is fundraised at the event will be used to help young teenagers in highschool (like me ) to attend academy's during this summer. For example, Leadership Academy, Sail Academy and more. With a low economy and the gov't taking money from school funds, our chances of attending those academy's and being able to become better citizens and leaders in the future are lessening. Wewould really appreciate your help and support. If you have any questions comments or concerns do not hesitate to contact me at: or at: (951) 454-9854. Thank You for your time and support. Sincerely, Janett Vargas
Added by .Janett. on March 3, 2009
I'm with High dessert homeless shelter we are in need off food ,clothing,baby products,furniture,kitchen utincels. we would like to set up A table at your event. please contact me Heath Smith 760-955-1959