321 Chestnut St
Chattanooga, Tennessee 37402

The doctor is in at Creative Discovery Museum. Help your children become more comfortable with doctor visits by letting them explore a realistic doctor's office. You will be able to treat a patient, try out tools a doctor might use, play with a life-size skeleton, look at x-rays and work in a hospital lab. By allowing children to play and explore in a fun and inviting clinic environment, we hope to make the experience of a real doctor's visit less mysterious and intimidating. A visit to the Doctor's Clinic will also help children better understand their bodies through role playing games while also learning the importance of yearly check-ups. Here are some activities you can do with your family: Have children act out their last or next visit to the doctor. Role play with your child: take turns playing doctor and patient and help your child create a dialogue for describing how he/she feels. Use the exhibit models and resources to discuss what organs are and how they work.

Added by Upcoming Robot on December 26, 2009

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