Intensify Your Passion for Yoga
The Core Intensive gives the devoted yoga practitioner a taste of the infamous Intensive that Jill teaches regularly at the Forrest Yoga Studio. This vigorous and demanding yoga workout, will take you on a unique physical and mental journey deep into the core of your being. The practice creates a sacred space for discovery, awareness, and transformation. This energetic class is a rigorous sequence of creative Asanas and Pranayama drawn from hatha yoga, orthopedic physical therapy, and Indian martial arts. Class opens with Jill's signature joint awakening and "Core Integration" work and continues with dynamic vinyasa, inversions, backbends, and breathwork. Familiar poses become inspiring again and complicated poses turn simple and approachable under Jill's refreshing guidance.
Practitioners from every yoga discipline benefit from the intelligence and sensitivity of the course. If an injury has prevented you from deepening your practice, Jill specializes in giving you new tools for healing. Release unwanted baggage while connecting to the heart and spirit of your practice.
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Added by sit on April 4, 2005