Mondays and Wednesday, January 14 - January 30; 6:30pm - 8:00pm
7.5 California / General Recertification Credits
New to Human Resources? Looking for essential California-specific knowledge? This exclusive NCHRA offering specifically geared to the needs of the new California HR practitioner covers the basics of employment law, hiring, compensation, benefits and occupational safety/workers compensation from the unique California perspective. Gain critical knowledge and skills necessary to practice HR in the complex state of California.
The eProgram Series meets in five, 90-minute online sessions -- Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30pm-8:00pm PST
January 14 - Introduction and Overview
Discuss the scope and focus of this program, including introduction to course material, webinar platform discussion, and participant introductions.
January 16 - Laws That Every California HR Practitioner Needs to Know About
Discover applicable California laws and regulations by employer size and industry, and their impact on independent contractor or employee status. Plus, take an in-depth look at California's new 2012 employment laws and what they mean to HR.
January 23 - Hiring practices
Learn legally-compliant recruiting, testing, interviewing, and selection procedures, including effective record-keeping techniques. Outline I-9 procedures and California requirements.
January 28 - California wage and hour laws
Examine California's Wage Orders and regulatory requirements relative to wage payments, work hours, overtime, meal and rest breaks, special pay requirements, and enforcement and penalties.
January 30 - Individual/Organizational Rights and Benefits
Identify unemployment Insurance and EDD reporting requirements; State Disability Insurance (SDI) and Paid Family Leave (PFL) laws; and privacy laws related to social media.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on December 17, 2012