Sandpoint, Idaho

Cordwood masonry is an old building technique by which walls are constructed of short logs - called "log ends" - laid up widthwise in the wall, like a rank of firewood. The walls are easy and economic to build, and are energy-efficient because of the special insulated mortar matrix which surrounds each log end. In addition, the walls have a unique and attractive appearance, combining the warmth of wood with the pleasing texture of stone masonry.

Rob and Jaki Roy, of Earthwood Building School in West Chazy, NY, have been teaching the technique for 23 years and have written many books on this subject. They will be conducting a 3-day Cordwood Masonry Workshop at Lake Pend Oreille, near Sandpoint, Idaho on Sept. 19-21. The workshop will include partial classroom time and hands on building of a guesthouse. This will be a fun time of learning as well enjoying the acreage and the lake.

Cost: $300 (includes simple accommodation and meals)

For more information, call Thea Alex at 509 993 1990 or (Ask about work trade)

Added by slozito on July 10, 2008