The Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts (MCCLA) will host its annual Open House featuring two in-house youth musical bands playing salsa music and Latin rhythms. Los Chiles Verdes (The Green Peppers), and Futuro Picante (Spicy Future) were forged in the MCCLA’s Multicultural Youth After School Program. The young musicians will perform on the sidewalk in front of MCCLA in the heart of San Francisco’s Mission District.
During the festivities, Isabel Barraza will hold a do-it-yourself card-making workshop in honor of Valentine’s Day in the MCCLA lobby. Community members and passers-by are invited to participate.
• Refreshments and cake in the MCCLA lobby
• A Valentine’s Day card-making workshop
• Musical performances by Los Chiles Verdes and Futuro Picante
• Raffle
• A free Carnaval-style dance class at 3:15pm
All activities listed above are free and open to the public. Call 415.821.1155 for more info.
Official Website:
Added by jwallach999 on February 5, 2010