"The film is about a young girl, Coraline (Dakota Fanning), who unlocks a mysterious door in her new home and enters into a parallel reality, a fantastical and thrilling imitation of her own dull life."
"Laika Entertainment House (formerly Vinton Studios) has funded the film with around $50 to $70 million. Coraline is the first stop-motion animation to be shot stereoscopically with a dual digital camera rig for digital 3-D exhibition."
After beer and blog, head over to lloyd cinama. this show will sell out fast so get tickets early. playtimes are 12pm 2:35pm, 5:10pm, 7:45pm(sold out), and 10:20pm
Fandango movie time list
Official Website: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coraline_(film)
Added by donpdonp on January 24, 2009
yeah i think the timing would work out great to dove-tail with beer-and-blog. I just purchased a ticket for the 7:45pm screening. Gak - $13.50 a ticket.
@donpdonp - I just bought 2 for 7:45p (Gak x 2!)
I generally try to limit my in-theater experiences to those of 'epic' proportions. I think Coraline qualifies AND I've never seen a 3D movie before - woot!
Fantastic idea to do it post Beer & Blog! Thanks for posting this on Upcoming. I'll definitely try to get tix in advance.
Wow, just checked on Fandango again and it looks like 7:45p is sold out already! Who else here already has tickets? Should we modify the time on this event for everyone who doesn't have them yet?
Would 5p or 10p be better?
i added a (sold out) to the 7:45pm time in the description above.
I want to buy tickets this week - are we definitely going to the 7:45p screening?
Just say the word!