LM Ericssons väg 14
Stockholm, Stockholm

During last autumn Konstfack and Liljevalch Art Museum co-arranged a
series of debate nights, themed around the professional challenges facing
university-trained businesspeople, and the educations themselves. At
present we are proud to announce a continuation of the co-operation, a
seminar in parallel with the annual spring exhibition of Konstfackšs
master students.

Copyright/copyleft ­ how about our rights?

A seminar about patent
Friday, May 27th, 11.00 am ­ 3.00 pm
Lecture hall Mandelgren, Konstfack
Address: LM Ericssons väg 14, Subway- Telefonplan
In collaboration with Liljevachs Konsthall

When operating professionally as creators, innovators and producers, soon
questions of rights will emerge. We have gathered persons who either work
with, or in different ways have reflected about, patent rights, as well as
forms of creativity and creation. Practical issues of design patent and
what it could mean will be treated. How have matters of patent changed
over the last decades, e.g. in what ways are they influenced by the ever
globalizising market? Are there significant differences between Swedish
conditions and those in other countries? How are the outlooks for
financially strong, or upstart small companies? At minimum, questions
should be raised to whom the copyright protection is aimed, and of the
control system for its realisation. A growing opinion of today is that
rules and limitations need to be questioned in the name of an open
creativity environment.

Protection of design and its extents
Asko Annala, chief of Design Department, PRV-the Swedish Patent and
Registration office

Are you un-protected? - How you can receive copyright for your creation.
Magdalena Jerner, trademark lawyer, Essen International AB

Virtual library
Mikael Karlsson, director and founder of Touch & Turn

Debate Asko Annala, Magdalena Jerner, Mikael Karlsson
Moderator: Niclas Östlind, intendent, Liljevalchs konsthall

12.45 - 13.30 Lunch break

13.30-15.00 (In English)
clones, counterfeits, ersatzes, decoys, facsimile, duplicates, forgeries,
reduplications, doppelganger, bootleg, instant replays, simulacra,
replicas; now imagine a culture without copies because there are no
originals . . . Ronald Jones, artist, writer and professor at The
Institution of
Inter-disciplinary Studies, konstfack

Conversation: Marysia Lewandowska, artist, lives in London, professor at
The Institution of Fine Arts, Konstfack,
Ronald Jones, Niclas Östlind

Open seminar, no pre-announcement.
Seminar is participating in the Design Year 2005.
?Konstfackšs nursery?: During the seminar children activities will be
for mumsš and dadsš possibilities to participate!

For questions and information: Ikko Yokoyama, Coordinator Konstfack.
ikko.yokoyama@konstfack.se tel:070-191 10 09

Asko Annala http://www.prv.se
Magdalena Jerner http://www.essen.se
Mikael Karlsson http://www.touchandturn.com
Ronald Jones http://www.o-b-o-k.com
Marysia Lewandowska http://www.chanceprojects.com
Niclas Östlind http://liljevalchs.com

Added by ericwahlforss on May 24, 2005

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