Our next CopyNight is this coming Tuesday, May 24! Come join us in
one of nine cities across North America (note new locations for New
York and Chicago chapters) to celebrate the victory against the
Broadcast Flag and discuss ways we can promote good legislation like
Rep. Rick Boucher's HR 1201, which Congress will be considering soon.
Freedom - freedom to make unrestricted personal use of content you
have legally purchased, freedom to conduct scientific research into
DRM technology, freedom to build new technology without fear of being
shut down by a monopolistic industry intent only on protecting their
fat profits while hurting all of us - to steal a phrase from President
Bush, these freedoms are on the march.
for more info: http://copynight.org
Hosted by Elizabeth Monkus, chicago (at) copynight.org
Added by Hybernaut on May 19, 2005