5766 Trumbull,
Detroit, Michigan 48208

First Lady Michelle Obama goes for COLOR. She is stunning in thisfuchsia sheath dress! She surelyspiced up the campaign trail with some unusual, brilliantly thought out colors.

What does this have todo with YOU?

Just like Mrs. Obama, you can learn or re-learn to utilizeCOLOR in your wardrobe and accessory choicesto enhance your appearance, your mood, and the affectyou have on others.


Join us for ColorShop - A Workshop designed to make youreyes sparkle, give your skin thatglow, and increase yourconfidence!

Register Now!

Click Here to Register!


When: March 28, 2009

5766 Trumbull
Detroit 48208

Fee: $15.99
($15.00 if sending a check)

Time: 11 AM - 1 PM

For more information, please call (313)205-8723
or emailinfo@unforgettableyoullc.com


Thanks for expressing interest inColorShop! I've added a new workshop date just for you!I am so elated about the overwhelming response we received for the first workshop...it was filled within a matter of days!

I encourage you to register right away.

Again, thanks for your support and interest. We are going to have a great time!
Denitra Townsend, Image Expert
Unforgettable You, LLC

Register now for Colorshop

Space is limited!

March 28, 2009

11 AM - 1PM

$15 Registration fee (Includes workshop materials, refreshments)

In this workshop you will:

Receive a mini color analysis
Create yourpersonalized color palette
Receive"hot off the press" trendscoop abouthow to usecolors and color patterns for the Spring
Learn how to incorporate your colors using various accessories

Check out our website! www.unforgettableyoullc.com

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Unforgettable You, LLC | 5766 Trumbull | Suite 110 | (313) 205-8723 | Detroit | MI | 48208

Organized by Unforgettable You, LLC - Denitra Townsend
Please call (313) 205-8723 when in the area. You have to be buzzed in. Thank you.

Ticket Info:  Color Workshop ($15.00 if sending check, $15.99 if paying by debit/credit card), $15.99

Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/285938249/upcoming

Added by eventbrite-events on March 19, 2009

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