To be a testament of total art.
To help those in need through privilege.
The evening of Saturday, June 26th, 2010 is set to be an explosive night of dancing, painting, rock n' roll, dancing, theatrics and more painting. During this event, the walls of The Annex (Madison music venue) will be covered with different styles of varying art from more than ten of Madison’s finest local artists.
Attractions include, but not limited to: a variety of DJs, a palpable live art performance by The Art Brothas, live human canvassing/body- and face-painting, and a performance by cope. The goal to raise the awareness of human potential, as well as showcase what can be achieved through the creative acts of many.
On behalf of Make-A-Wish Foundation, the event will raise money in order to make this FREE event possible (donations gladly accepted). On top of all donations collected, a percentage of every piece and print will be donated by the artists. And beyond the costs, 100% of all proceeds raised will be given to Make-A-Wish. Nothing will be kept for personal benefit.
Acts of creative expression welcome. Dress to impress.
For additional info and pictures of artwork visit:
Added by SparkleMonster on June 18, 2010