50-60 Southampton Row
London, England WC1B 4AR

SMi present their 3rd annual conference…
COPD: Novel Therapeutics and Management Strategies
Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th October 2011
The Grange Holborn Hotel, London, UK

Visit our website here: http://www.smi-online.co.uk/2011copd20.asp


SMi proudly presents their 3rd annual COPD: Novel Therapeutics and Management Strategies conference. As awareness of COPD increases as do casualty numbers. More than 60 million people suffer from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) globally. This number is expected to rise by at least 30% over the next 10 years without effective intervention. More than 3 million people die from COPD every year, which account for 5% of all global deaths. It is the only major cause of death with increasing numbers in the developed world.

This conference continues to promote increased awareness of COPD and explores ways to improve quality of life for patients, prevention of exacerbations and analyses the new treatment techniques developed over the previous twelve months.

For more information, visit http://www.smi-online.co.uk/2011copd20.asp

Our Key speakers include:

• Professor Sebastian Johnston, Professor of Adult Respiratory Medicine, Imperial College School of Medicine
• Dave Singh, Medical Director, Medicines Evaluation Unit, University Hospital South Manchester
• Andreas Pahl, Head of Pharmacology, Nycomed
• Matthew Catley, Head of Respiratory Pharmacology, UCB
• Professor Neil Barnes, Consultant Respiratory Physician, Barts & The London NHS Trust
• Professor Bill MacNee, Professor of Medicine, University of Edinburgh

Some key topics that the conference will cover include:

• Modeling and management of exacerbations of COPD
• Uses, potential and controversy of new PDE4 compound inhibitors
• Unique complexities of COPD pathophysiology
• Combination and oxygen therapies
• The clinical trials process and rapid proof of concept
• Improving case-finding and diagnosis

>> To view the full speaker line-up and programme, visit http://www.smi-online.co.uk/2011copd20.asp

Plus a half-day pre conference workshop:

Rapid Proof of Concept in COPD trials
Tuesday 18th October 2011, The Grange Holborn Hotel, London, UK
Nestor Molfino, VP Clinical, MedImmune

Sponsorship and Exhibition Opportunities are available

To find out more, contact Alia Malick - Head of Pharmaceuticals
On tel: +44 (0)20 7827 6168 or email: amalick@smi-online.co.uk

Booking Information

Alternatively, contact Zain Philbey on +44 (0) 20 7827 6722 or e-mail: zphilbey@smi-online.co.uk

Official Website: http://www.smi-online.co.uk/2011copd20.asp

Added by Vinh Trinh on July 11, 2011