2 films will be shown: “At Home in Utopia”, by Michal Goldman and Ellen Brodsky (75 minutes). A fantastic documentary about the thousands of garment workers in New York in the 1920’s who pooled their resources to build and self-manage radical housing cooperatives. “Homes and Hands: Community Land Trusts in Action”, by Debra Chasnoff and Helen Cohen (37 minutes). An inspiring short documentary about how community land trusts create permanently affordable housing for lower-income people.
Sponsored by the Bay Area Community Land Trust and the BFUU Social Justice Ctee
Donation of $5 to $10 requested at the door
No one turned away for lack of funds.
Food will be served at the event Beer, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages will be sold
Wheelchair accessible.
For further info call: 510-545-3258 website: www.bayareaclt.org
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Added by benburch666 on August 11, 2010