Unit B 237 Walworth Road
London, England SE17 1RL

Do you want to find out more about your area and meet new people? Do you love walking or wheeling around East London? (all CoolTan walks are accessible, and actively welcome volunteers and participants with disabilities.) Would you like to explore your local area?

If you want to meet like-minded people and make friends then come join CoolTan Arts Community Legacy walks, free guided cultural walks promoting mental health and physical wellbeing using art, humour and history to help de-stigmatise mental distress.

Training will be provided in First Aid, Mental health First Aid, public speaking, storytelling and leading walks, if you sign up to help run the public walks.

The meetings for the walk will take place in Hackney, every Tuesday 12pm – 3pm
To register to volunteer or find out more, speak to Clara Jones, CoolTan’s volunteer co-ordinator. e-mail clara@cooltanarts.org.uk, or ring us on 020 7701 2696.

CoolTan Arts has been awarded a Transformers grant, funded by the National Lottery, through the Olympic Lottery Distributor, and managed by the East London Business Alliance.

Added by Cooltan Arts 6527 on February 28, 2012

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