Learn the delicious essentials of contemporary coastal cuisine and experience the true joy of cooking inspiring meals using fresh, local produce and unprocessed organic ingredients. With both discussion and hands on cooking classes, this workshop will provide a delicious foundation in the simplicity and ease of preparing whole foods meals.
By the end of the workshop you will have:
- Gained an expanded repertoire with a vegetarian emphasis that includes: incorporating lesser known grains, pacific inspired ingredients, health enhancing spices, seaweeds, hemp and tempeh.
- Created a well-balanced meal from scratch to finish that will be shared and enjoyed as a group.
- Acquired the tools and insights to bring creative and conscious cooking home.
- Tantalize your taste buds at the same time as you learn unique, savoury and sustainable ways to get more soulfully creative in the kitchen and nourish your well being three times daily.
- Explore the food that is the hallmark of the Hollyhock kitchen.
Added by hollyhocklive on March 19, 2010