2573 3rd Street
San Francisco, California 94107

Parties That Cook® and Crushpad, San Francisco’s urban winery that is democratizing wine making, invite you to Cooking Crush, an evening of wine tasting and cooking for singles. Admission includes wine tasting and pairing with a menu of international appetizers.

Cooking Crush guests will be greeted with a nibble, nametag and glass of wine. A tour of the winery will follow, including explanation of key steps in the winemaking process. Singles will mix and mingle over a series of comparative barrel tastings from Crushpad’s library of ultra-premium wines. Each Cooking Crush event will explore a unique wine-tasting theme, such as the wines of the Russian River Valley or blind tasting Rhone whites.

Guests will then be treated to a lively introductory cooking lesson by the Parties That Cook chefs featuring tips such as the fastest way to dice an onion without a tear. Singles will be split into co-ed teams to work on an array of Sumptuous Small Plates designed to pair with the wines being tasted. Each team will work on a recipe from the evening's tapas menu, all while sipping wine and listening to upbeat music.

The group will savor the fruits of their labor with new friends, or perhaps a crush! After the event, copies of the recipes, digital photos and e-mail address aliases will be sent to the group.

~Cooking Crush Party Menu~
Beef Skewers with Spicy Peanut Sauce
Salt-Roasted Prawns with Lemony-Basil Pesto
Crostini of Goat Cheese with Olive-Orange Tapenade
Roasted Eggplant and Pomegranate Molasses Dip with Cumin Pita Chips
Moroccan Bisteeya Baskets Filled with Chicken, Raisins and Cinnamon
Albondigas: Spanish-Style Meatballs in Almond, Garlic, and Parsley Sauce
Mini Coconut Cupcakes with Coconut Cream Frosting

Tickets: $95 per person
RSVP online: http://www.acteva.com/booking.cfm?bevaid=159520

For more information call Parties That Cook at 1-888-907-2665 or email info@partiesthatcook.com.

Official Website: http://www.partiesthatcook.com/events/cooking-classes/07-16-2008-cooking-crush-party-for-singles-san-francisco/

Added by PartiesThatCook on June 27, 2008