5021 Whetsel Avenue
Cincinnati, Ohio 45227

“Coochie Chronicles” is a frank, melodic exploration into the lives, sexuality, politics, stereotypes and realities of women of color. This multi-media production utilizes spoken word poetry, popular music, original songs, powerful imagery, and eye-opening statistics to chronicle the universal realities of womanhood and the unique experiences of women of color.

“Coochie Chronicles: The Spoken Word Stage Play” features a spotlight poem dedicated to an issue the cast feels is particularly pressing in our communities.

This year’s spotlight poem is on HIV and AIDS. In addition to our spotlight poem “The Coochie Chronicles” launched a new campaign to address the rapidly growing numbers of women of color infected/affected by HIV and AIDS.

Shedding light, telling our stories, reclaiming our lives and power is the heart of Co*chie Chronicles, just as it is at the heart of the “I KNOW” Campaign. It is imperative that women of color know their status; take the appropriate measures to maintain their status if they are negative; and to receive the medical and emotional support they need if they test positive. After each showing of “The Co*chie Chronicles” there will be an opportunity for audience members to receive condoms, information, private HIV screening and counseling free of charge.

Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/CoochieChronicles2009

Added by Black Buddafly on April 6, 2009