Conversations with Willie
A Comedic Drama
Written by Jesai Jayhmes Performed by Jeff Burnett
with Gavin Alley, Jason Sugar, Albert Hughes, Godfrey Levy
September 30th, October 1st 7:30PM
Scotiabank Dance Centre
677 Davie St.
Vancouver, BC, V6B2G6
Tickets in advance at Remaining tickets will be available at box office ½ hour before show time:
Questions? Email:
What’s it all about?
Conversations with God meets The Vagina Monologues
Richard, the 21st century “Everyman”, in deep conversation with his Willie, confronts his self destructive, co-dependent, Shadow Self and is “reborn” as a Man-with-a-Mission…. To help all men free themselves from suffering caused by putting their Willies in charge.
A witty and poignant dramatic/comedy take on men’s issues, Conversations with Willie turns “Man” on his head through new age channeling, levitation, the Free Willie Chorus, a Cosmo survey, a cleanse, lessons in hot sex, spiritual enlightenment, a near death experience, great music, and honest, compelling performances.
Men identify with the conversations and women will gain new insight into what goes on inside the male split personality in this entertaining, inspired and touching show.
Bring your date, and all your ex’s… and come both nights. Willie is recommended for mature, well, at least, over 18, audiences.
Added by Fitz in Vancouver on August 30, 2009