Cnr Federal & Kinston Streets
Auckland, Auckland Region 1010

All organisations seek to operate in a ‘zero harm’ work environment yet some organisations, despite spending many years and a great deal of money and effort, are not experiencing the results expected. With health and safety risks bearing a significant impact upon business productivity and success, it is only possible to achieve zero harm when all workers have an acute awareness, aligned values and attitudes towards safety. The most significant weakness present in many organisations is in failing to extend their safety initiatives beyond organisational boundaries. Success and a ‘total safety culture’ can only be achieved when all workers on a site or project are united and aligned toward a common system for safety.

This conference aims to address this common health and safety challenge by clarifying responsibilities, exploring contractor management practices, and sharing approaches to engaging and integrating contractors in a unified approach. Organisational culture and leadership are explored as a critical lever in influencing a culture and achieving a paradigm shift toward safety excellence. This will be an ideal opportunity for safety professionals to network and discuss various approaches and lessons learned from principals and contractors with a shared interest in achieving safety excellence across industries.

Download the full brochure -

• Align Safety Culture and Processes between the Principal, Contractor and Sub-Contractor
• Empower Contractors by Taking a Collaborative Approach to Safety
• Secure Contractor Commitment to Achieving Safety Excellence
• Create a Shift in Contractor Behaviour and Entrenched Safety Attitudes

Who Will Attend:
• OH&S / HSE
• Commercial / Contracts
• Contracting and Procurement
• Operational Excellence / Quality
• Alliance Contracts / Major Projects
• Operational Risk Management / Compliance
• Safety Training / Systems
• Maintenance / Logistics
• Incident Management / Reporting
• Site Management
• Supply Chain Safety
• Project Management
• Safety Consulting

To register or for more information, contact Liquid Learning Limited by email:, Phone +64 9927 1500 or visit:

Official Website:

Added by Liquid Learning on September 21, 2011