30 Pitt Street
Sydney, New South Wales

Within a value driven environment, increasingly more pressure is being placed on contracting professionals to achieve the desired outcomes through better negotiation and long term management of contracting relationships. Optimal results can only be achieved when all the participants and organisations are aligned and able to work together as a team, innovative solutions are negotiated collaboratively, risks are proactively mitigated and both sides are playing leadership roles in all phases of planning and execution. Human factors are the key to achieving such an alignment, in turn reducing costs and minimising the risk of disputes.

The Contracting Psychology Summit 2011 will address a variety of human factors in contracting, drawing on the field of psychology to offer practical tools and strategies for both parties involved in a contract. This event will provide practical insights to ensure success on the delivery of work by creating a synergistic relationship between the principal and contractor organisations.

For more information on the conference contact Liquid Learning directly by email at marketing@liquidlearning.com.au , or by phone on (02) 9437 1311.

Added by Liquid Learning on May 2, 2011

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