1428 West 9th Avenue
Spokane, Washington

Spokane Folklore Society Contra Dance
Celebrating 30 years of Dancing
Saturday, May 22, 2010 7-10 PM
Venue Spokane Womens club
Location: 1428 W 9th Street, Spokane
Caller: Ray Polhemus
Band: Part of the Wood
Time 7 – 10 PM
Instruction 6:45
Admission: $8 members and students $10 non-members
Children under 18 free if accompanied by parent

Come and join the fun. Contra Dancing is fitness and fun for everyone.

Wear comfortable clothes and shoes with smooth soles. You don't need to bring a partner. This dance is a benefit for the Women's Club to improve the acoustic properties of the main auditorium.

Added by EnergyFan on May 14, 2010

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