What happens when the place you wanna throw your CD release party falls through?

Let us know Seattle!
If the place you suggest gets chosen (and they graciously open their doors to us) YOU will get a FREE copy of "Ten Thousand Miles to Bedlam", the new t-shirt and 2 tickets to the show!
- Ockham's Razor

**All that legal stuff**
The band will determine if a suggested venue will be large enough or has the ability to host this event and will only contact those venues. Band will decide if date and time venues have available are acceptable. Your chances of having us booked at a venue increases with your inquiries to the venue (They would rather have YOU GUYS ask for us then US asking to play there). In the event that two people suggest the same venue, the person who suggested it first will be considered unless the venue owner/booker names the other person as their contact. Contest ends as soon as a venue succesfully books us. Prize is: One (1) copy of "Ten Thousand Miles to Bedlam" CD, One (1) T-shirt either s, m, l, or xl, and two (2) tickets or paid admissions to the CD Release Party show at the chosen venue. All decisions are made by the band and are final.
Official Website: http://www.myspace.com/ockhamsrazormusic