The next PDX Content Strategy Meetup is next Tuesday, June 29th at 5:30 PM.
[*NOTE: Grady Britton's building doors lock at 6 PM. If you need to get access please call 503.891.7165 and we'll let you in.
TOPIC: Deliverables/Management Tools
Bring you favorite tricks of the trade for conceiving, sourcing, curating, publishing and managing content. Whether you're with an agency going this work for your client, or you're in-house taking this work on yourself, these are the tools that can make or break your online communications success (and ofline, too!).
Please RSVP on the Content Strategy Meetup site (URL below) so we know you're coming. We'll supply light refreshments. Likely, beer.
See you next week!
Hosting: Jim Woolfrey and Katherine Gray
The motivating idea behind this "Content Strategy PDX" meetup is to start a conversation (or several) around the topic of Content Strategy and the interplay, interconnectedness, and intersections of Content Strategy with marketing strategy, web development, interactive strategy, content development, SEO, social media, brand development, design, user experience, editorial planning, etc.).
Some conversations to consider:
* How to evangelize, develop and implement a Content Strategy focus/practice in your organization.
* The people, processes, technology and deliverables one might associate with "Content Strategy" within a project framework.
* Content Strategy tips, tricks, tools & deliverables.
* Content Strategy specific to web design/development
* Social Media/Marketing and the Content Strategy framework.
* Content Strategy meets Content Management -- Technologies, platforms, costs, resource requirements and other variables to consider when planning, implementing, using or otherwise considering web CMS.
* Content Strategy and Information Design
* Content Strategy as a career (or part of one)
Please join the conversation.
Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/Content-Strategy-PDX/calendar/13884815/
Added by pdxsays on June 23, 2010