5201 Corey Rd
Sylvania, Ohio 43560

It's spring and summer cleaning time. Organizing your cabinets or closets is always a good feeling. "Contain Yourself", Women's Connection West's next brunch will help get you well on your way.
Become energized with a delicious brunch, friends and learn how you can manage your food and possessions with new Tupperware ideas from Lana Morse and then, Marie Sadowski from Clinton Township, Mich. shares how she found "The Missing Piece."

Reservations are necessary for all our programs and complimentary childcare. Please call Jeannine at 419-841-9653 by June 7.

Women’s Connection West is affiliated with Stonecroft Ministries, a non-denominational organization located in Kansas City, MO.

Added by JPereus on May 8, 2010

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