2953 Bunker Hill Lane, Suite 400
Santa Clara, California 95054


Please join us for a very special evening event geared solely for Investors and Entrepreneurs focused on Consumer Internet and Web2.0.The VC TaskForce Entrepreneurs' Gathering is an excellent opportunity for entrepreneurs to network with investors and other CXOs, present their company and idea, and hear first-hand what it takes to raise early-stage capital in 2006.
If you are an investor come and listen to entrepreneurs' pitches. You never know where you'll find your next deal. Find out how our panel of investors rates the entrepreneurs' pitches; Which VCs will pass on what ideas and for what reasons and Which entrepreneurs other VCs want to talk to immediately. Please let us know if you would like to participate on one of our panels.
If you are an entrepreneur in a startup and currently seeking capital, come prepared with your best 30-second elevator pitch.
In a few succinct sentences, be able to tell:
* Who you are and what you do
* What problem or opportunity you solve and why you are the one to solve it
* How much you are looking to raise and what it will be used for

We will go around the room and allow select entrepreneurs to take the microphone. Time limits will be strictly enforced!
Our distinguished panel of top VC and early stage investors will provide brief feedback.
David Deacon, Investor, Band of Angels
Matthew Fix, Intel Capital
Dhaya Lakshminarayanan, Investment Manager, Omidyar Network
Mark Menell, Rustic Canyon Partners
David Stern, Clearstone Venture Partners

The event is moderated by Nathan Beckord and Susan Boedy of VentureArchetypes

Previous panelists have included investors from Vantage Point Venture Partners, LeapFrog Ventures, BlueRun Ventures, Intel Capital, Cardinal Venture Capital, Apax Partners, Levensohn Venture Partners, Keiretsu Forum, and others.

$35 VCTF & Affiliate Org. members, $49 general.

Website: http://www.vctaskforce.com
Email: jr@vctaskforce.com
Phone: 408-282-3561

About VC Task Force and TEN:
VC TaskForce was established to create programs that provide information and insight on current strategic and tactical concerns of the venture capital community.
TEN ? The Enterprise Network ? is a nonprofit, business incubator, support center, and accelerator for hi-tech entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley which has helped launch over 60 successful startups.

Added by FullCalendar on March 2, 2006