The world of selling is under siege. Transactional sales are moving to extranets; companies are dramatically reducing the number of suppliers and moving toward strategic partnerships providing higher value-add; buyers are better educated using powerful on-line search tools; product quality is dramatically improved with shortened life cycles, making true product differentiation harder to accomplish.
Whats a sales rep to do?
The only possible answer to these challenges can only come from changing selling behaviour from pitching to consulting. Prospects are demanding that sales reps who get their business exhibit a sincere interest in understanding their specific situation and environment, actively listen and respond, provide value unrelated to the immediate sales opportunity. In short, more attuned to a consultative advisor, with motivation driven by successfully solving their clients issues.
How? After the four highly interactive group sessions, participants will be able to:
Listen more intently to their prospects business pain and needs
Clarify and communicate the value of themselves, their solutions and their organization in a useable sales tool
Utilize an administrative simple sales tracking process and tools that supports better decision making and resource planning
Prioritize their effort to focus on the best opportunities
Efficiently drive their selling efforts using an approach that reduces redundant activities
Four weekly 2 1/2 hour morning group sessions beginning Friday, May 1st, 2009.
7:30 a.m. to 10:00 am.
Discounts are available for multiple attendees. All registrants will receive a confirmation e-mail from Eventbrite.
Call Strategico at (403) 286-0038 for more details, or register using the Order Now button above.
As always, Strategico workshop fees are fully refunded if for any reason you are not satisfied with the workshop.
Organized by Strategico Marketing GroupAre you operating your sales and marketing as effectively as possible? The Strategico Marketing Group assists executives and senior managers improve their marketing and sales effectiveness.
Ticket Info: Four Week Coaching Program, C$995.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/272063750/upcoming