1015 15th Street, N.W.
Washington, District of Columbia 20005

Host: Hudson Institute. The Project on National Security Reform (PNSR) is pleased to invite you to a Roundtable on Interagency Reform discussing a case study on “Constructing A Post-Cold War European Security Architecture,” by Hudson scholars Joyce van de Bildt and Monika Rimmele
This case study investigates the U.S. government’s post-Cold War NATO strategy under the Clinton Administration. The issue of whether to enlarge NATO led to one of the most intense and extensive interagency debates in U.S. history. The topic became embedded in a larger debate over how to transform and modernize the Alliance in order to adapt the organization to the post-Cold War world. The questions of whether to expand the Alliance further, as well as how to ensure NATO’s continued viability, remain central to U.S. national security.
The Project on National Security Reform (PNSR) is a non-partisan initiative sponsored by the non-profit Center for the Study of the Presidency (CSP). PNSR seeks to improve the U.S. Government’s ability to integrate all elements of national power and more effectively respond to the strategic challenges of the 21st century. Modeled on the historic effort that led to the Goldwater-Nichols legislation, PNSR has established nine working groups that are undertaking a rigorous study of the national security system. Historical case studies constitute the first element of the study methodology. These case studies will inform the analytic work of PNSR’s other working groups by highlighting recurring trends in the way the U.S. national security system addresses complex national security problems. Ultimately, PNSR will recommend changes to the National Security Act of 1947, presidential directives to implement other reforms, and new Congressional committee structures and practices.
Attendees at PNSR workshops may use the information as background, but may not identify the speaker, the other attendees, or PNSR itself or quote anything said at the event.
Please RSVP (affirmative replies only) by sending your name and current institutional affiliation to Richard Weitz at Weitz@hudson.org.

Official Website: http://www.hudson.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=hudson_upcoming_events&id=566

Added by insideronline on June 1, 2008

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