50 West Washington Street
Indianapolis, Indiana 46204

In partnership with Modern Masters Fine Art Conrad Indianapolis will showcase a solo exhibition of works by notable abstract artist and poet, Lois Main Templeton. Templeton, now 83 years of age, began her art education at Herron School of Art and Design at 50. A long-time resident of Indianapolis, Templeton moved to Maine in 2011, but has graciously agreed to return to Indianapolis at the invitation of Conrad for her first solo exhibit of 2012.

WHAT: A public artist’s reception of works by Lois Main Templeton, where guests will enjoy live music, book signings, and complimentary wine and hors d’ oeuvres.
WHO: All are invited to view the works of Lois Main Templeton, presented by Conrad Indianapolis and Modern Masters Fine Art.
WHERE: Conrad Indianapolis’ London Room, on the second floor.
WHEN: Thursday, March 22nd, 2012, 6 p.m.- 8 p.m.
RSVP: Please refer all RSVP’s to maddy.barnas@conradhotels.com

Added by Conrad Indianapolis 3450 on March 7, 2012