1360 Bush St.
San Francisco, California 94117

f you haven't heard of Connect18, we're a fitness company that teaches educational classes in a group cycling studio. The Connect18 classes are completely different than any exercise class you've previously experienced. Since you're riding on a stationary bike, our classes are formatted as Educational Cycling Tours. On the tour you’ll ride through an exotic location, learn information that pertains to that area, and burn massive amounts of calories. As the class zooms by, you'll be so distracted that you won't even realize how hard you're actually working.

Tonight's class takes you on a tour through downtown Guadalajara. On the tour, you'll learn how to discuss the weather, ask someone what languages he/she speaks and how to conjugate ER verbs.

The class starts at 6:00pm. Our studio is located at 1360 Bush Street between Polk and Larkin. If it's you first time in our studio, the class is free.

For a preview of our classes or to sign up for a class, check out our website at, www.connect18.com/experience.

If you have any questions, please contact us at, 415-355-9755 or by email at, andrea@connect18.com.

Official Website: http://www.connect18.com

Added by alball07 on September 18, 2006

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