TOPIC: Connect With...Leaders - A Next Generation Leaders Summit
TIME: 12:30 PM - 9:00 PM.
LOCATION: Missouri Athletic Club, 405 Washington Ave
NOTES: Join us for this amazing event aimed at you — a next generation leader! Build your skills, learn lessons from today’s civic, corporate, and political leaders, and network with other professionals. Connect with us for the afternoon, or after work. This cutting edge program includes Leader As Coach, Essentials of Serving on Boards, Networking for Success, Lessons from Executives and much more!
Keynote: Matthew Paese, Vice President, Executive Solutions
Cost: $25 per person or $40 after Oct. 1
Registration: Contact Debra White at 314-622-1250 x101,, or fax information to 314-622-1279
Sponsored by FOCUS St. Louis, Missouri Athletic Club, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, ULI St. Louis, MPP&W, Belvedere Vodka, The Rams, The Riverfront Times, and Anheuser Busch.
Official Website:
Added by kimberly9938 on September 18, 2007