1841 Broad Street
Hartford, Connecticut 06114

Conn-Bi-Nation is Connecticut's bisexual / pansexual / etc. activist and social group.

Every 2nd Sunday evening of the month, Conn-Bi-Nation holds its Monthly Organizing Meeting. We discuss activism, politics, education and visibility in the bisexual and larger queer communities and plan related activities. All bisexual / pansexual / etc. and bi-friendly folks are are encouraged to attend! The meetings are from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm at the Hartford Gay & Lesbian Health Collective.

For more information, or to confirm meeting dates in the event of a holiday falling on a regularly scheduled meeting time, e-mail Mike at bicbnguy (at) yahoo (dot) com.

Official Website: http://www.conn-bi-nation.org

Added by NYABN on May 5, 2008