This course is intended for:Managers, supervisors, training officers,and others within law enforcement and fire communications centers who have a supervisory role.
Definition: conflict1. controversy; quarrel: conflicts between parties. 2. discord of action, feeling, or effect; antagonism or opposition, as of interests or principles: a conflict of ideas.
Conflict occurs in every group of people, in any organization. Conflict creates unique problems when it occurs with a group of strong personalities working in public safety communications.
Effective conflict management in communications centers results in increased morale, higher retention rates, promotes professionalism, and increases productivity.
This course includes instruction on:
Nature, modes, and perceptions of conflict
Power and Ego
Tools for Success
Application in Communications Centers
Instructor: Jeffrey Hebert - San Diego County Sheriff's Department
What Others Have Said About This Course
"The most helpful part of the class was the information provided on how to apply the techniques within the comm center"
"It was right on target. Excellent class, great instructor"
"I wish that everyone in the business could take this class!"
"Jeff is a fabulous instructor"
"I really liked the instructor. I think he was well prepared and well informed on the topic."
"Class was really informative. The instructor was excellent!"
"I thought Jeff did very well at engaging the participants and interacting with the class as a whole. Very enjoyable class!"
"I especially enjoyed the interactive group activities."
"The group discussions from different agencies were helpful and the instructor facilitated the discussions well with interactive group activities that kept students participating."
For additional information or questions, contact Melissa Hernandez at
training@sdapsd.org, or by calling 619.342.7344
Prerequisite: Must be currently employed by a public safety agency
Classes presented by the San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers are certified by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and meet the continuing professional training requirements for California public safety dispatchers.
Organized by San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers
The San Diego Association of Public Safety Dispatchers (APSD) develops and presents training courses for public safety dispatchers.
Classes presented by APSD are certified by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training and meet the continuing professional training requirements for California public safety dispatchers.
APSD works in conjunction with existing law enforcement, fire/EMS associations and resources to bring the needs and concerns specific to communications to the forefront. APSD is an independent, non-profit association made up of fire and law enforcement communications center managers, supervisors, phone and radio dispatchers in San Diego County.
APSD is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organizationTax I.D. 04-3730953
Ticket Info: Attendee, $75.00
Official Website: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/237004888/upcoming