Artists Jon Rubin and Dawn Weleski bring their Pittsburgh-based project Conflict Kitchen to Headlands' Mess Hall. The take-out restaurant, which only serves cuisine from countries with which the United States is in conflict, has dished-out meals from Cuba, Afghanistan, Iran, and Venezuela. At Headlands, they present the tastes of North and South Korea. The evening features three courses from each nation punctuated by guided discussion on the culture, politics, and issues at stake within the two countries.
Art looks, feels, and sounds different at Headlands. From artist-guided walks to dinners, exhibitions, conversations, and performances, Public Events are designed to be experiential, to connect visitors to artists and the creative process, and to create opportunities for genuine engagement. We are always cooking up new ways to engage, experiment, delight, and provoke. Come and see, then come back for more.
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Added by FullCalendar on April 20, 2013