No conflict in the world today has effects and consequences as far reaching as the conflict between Israel and the Arabs in the Middle East. The conflict spills over the boarders of small territories to involve the US and Western Europe, the whole Arab world and the further Muslim world beyond. Israel/Palestine has been the centre of struggles and oppression for centuries, going back to biblical times. The Romans occupied it and expelled the Jews, the Arab Muslims conquered and converted it, the Christians sent several Crusades to take it from the Muslims and the country became intricately involved in both World Wars. Since then there have been three Arab/Israeli wars and numerous civilian uprisings and civil wars amongst neighbours. Peace seems to be no closer today than at any time in the last 3000 years. This course surveys all the forces at play over the centuries and how they are playing out today. Details of this event may be subject to change. Please visit for more information or to register.
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Added by ccesydney on April 12, 2011