Imagine your life if you could let go of current beliefs that are stopping you from bidding on a major project, writing that book, or applying for that executive job.
How often do you pass up an opportunity because it feels too risky? How much more successful would you be if you were confident in your ability to perform well, and able to reduce the fear that comes with a certain amount of risk?
The only way to advance in our careers - and our lives - is to take risks and fail forward. In order to do that, we need to reduce the power that failing has over us.
This session will provide you with:
-Techniques for assessing your confidence
-Ways for re-framing failures as learning opportunities
-Practice taking risks (psychologically, not physically!)
-Methods for increasing confidence by taking small steps every day that lead to bigger "wins"
-Ideas for doable commitments to flex your confidence muscle
This highly experiential, fun, activities-based session (read: no lecture!) will give each person a chance to experience risk, celebrate failure (as many successful companies do!), and increase confidence in a supportive environment where people can learn from each other.
EXTRA: Each participant will get 1 hour of 1:1 coaching PLUS inclusion in one 1-hour group coaching call.
Francine Gordon, Ph.D. is an executive coach & organization consultant who helps companies become more innovative by improving team effectiveness.
Francine holds a B.A. from Vassar College & a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior from Yale University
Kathy Klotz-Guest has led successful marketing teams, launched products, and championed marketing and innovation best practices for companies such as SGI, Yahoo!, Gartner, Dataquest, & Autodesk. She performs regularly with the ComedySportz San Jose advanced gamez group. Kathy has an MLA from Stanford University, an MBA from UC Berkeley, and an MA in web-based multimedia applications design.
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Added by FullCalendar on August 27, 2011