547 Mendocino Ave
Santa Rosa, California 95401

A One-Man Show About Life at the Crossroads of Politics, Religion & Liberation
Performed by Actor / Ex-Fundamentalist Preacher Lee Boek

with musicians Mitch Greenhill and Roberta Levitow

This jubilant one-man show presents life as a traveling preacher. How does he get carried so deep into religion and why does he get out? It's a foot-stompin' hallelujah journey set in the civil rights era of the 50s, and resonates with today's political and religious issues. Musicians Mitch Greenhill and Roberta Levitow hit all the notes.

Meet the cast at a post-show wine tasting from Frey Vineyards and Magnanimous Wine Group.

Official Website: http://www.publicworksImprov.com

Added by lyndibrown on June 3, 2009

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